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OctoSAM housekeeping scripts

The import service provides several hooks to implement custom SQL and/or OctoUtil scripts. Such scripts can help integrate with other systems or to transform custom data within the database.

Support notice

The script and query engines in OctoSAM Inventory and the query definition format may change with future versions of OctoSAM Inventory. At the same time, we try to keep the engines backward compatible with older versions, but that may not always be possible. Be prepared to adjust your own scripts to future versions of OctoSAM Inventory.

Administering scripts

The scripts can be modified using the OctoSAM GUI, menu: Setup - Database - Housekeeping - Scripts

  <!-- Site-specific housekeeping scripts, do not change without consulting Octosoft support first. -->
    <script language="SQL" name="MyScript" run="before">
        .... SQL Commands ....
    <script language="SQL" name="MyOtherScript" run="after">
         .... SQL Commands ....
    <script language="OctoUtil" name="MyExportScript" run="export">
         .... OctoUtil Commands ....




<script name="myscript" language="SQL" run="before" />

The <script> element defines a script

Attribute Required Default Value Description
language Y either SQL or OctoUtil
run Y When to run the script - see table below
name Y Name of the script. Use the name to identify the script in log and error messages
updatehints N false If set to true causes OctoSAM to update the hints fields before the script is run. Set this to true if your SQL references any hint fields.
days N Specify comma-separated list of days when the script can run one or more out of "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday"
Run Description
before run this script at the very beginning of a housekeeping cycle - run at the beginning of full and partial housekeeping cycles.
after run this script at the end of housekeeping but before Organization mapping - full and partial housekeeping cycles.
export run this script at the very end of a full housekeeping cycle.
beforeImport run this script at the beginning of an import batch
afterImport run this script at the end of an import batch

SQL scripts

Can be used to execute arbitrary Transact SQL commands. Use extreme care not to destroy data. Typical use is to transform site-specific data within the database, often in the context of organization mapping or software installation approval.

OctoUtil script

Allows to execute OctoUtil commands - especially the execute and the query commands in sync with the import service. This guarantees that the database is in a consistent state when the commands are executed. The OcotoUtil query command is typically executed at export time.

Script user context

Note that the housekeeping scripts execute in the user context of the service account, which might have different permissions from your interactive user.

Consider the OctoUtil run command as an alternative to the Windows Task Scheduler

The octoutil run command can be used to start external programs from housekeeping scripts. This can be used as an alternative to scheduled tasks with the added benefit that actions get logged to the OctoSAM import service log.

Testing Scripts

You can use the OctoUtil scripts command to execute defined scripts.