The OctoSAM Repository¶
Repository format¶
The OctoSAM repository contains reports, queries, and task configuration data that is used by OctoSAM. The repository gets imported into the database from where it can be accessed by all OctoSAM components.
The Octopus2 Windows GUI can also load queries, reports and tasks from the filesystem, however the web interface can only use repository items that were imported into the database.
The repository file is a ZIP archive that follows a defined folder structure. You can unzip the standard repository file to get all queries in source form a starting point for your own definitions.
Queries folder¶
The Queries folder contains queries that are used within OctoSAM. Inside the Queries folder, there is a structure of subfolders that corresponds with the structure of the tree of queries that is displayed in the user interfadce.
Queries/_System folder¶
The Queries/_System folder contains queries that are used within the OctoSAM web UI. F
Context queries folders¶
Queries that can be executed from an object context such as from the OctoSAM Machine window, are placed in folders named after the object and prefixed with an underscore. For example, the _Machine folder contains queries that can be executed from the Machine object.
Reports folder¶
The reports folder contains Telerik Reports that can be called from the OctoSAM Windows GUI.##
Tasks folder¶
The tasks folder contains a single file SiteTasks.xml where you can define commands that are available per object in the OctoSAM Windows GUI Octopus2.exe The OctoSAM Web UI does currently not allow to execute site-defined tasks.
Custom Repository¶
We recommend that you merge your custom queries and reports into a single custom repository ZIP archive that you can then import into the database.
The meta.xml File¶
The meta.xml file should be placed in the root folder of the ZIP archive.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<meta xmlns=""
description="ACME custom reports and queries"
Attribute | Required | Default Value | Description |
customierid | Y | none | Usually your license id |
description | Y | none | Description of your repository |
import | Y | none | merge or replace |
Do not use the customerid that is defined in the meta.xml of the OctoSAM standard repository.
Merge vs replace import¶
Replace import deletes all existing repository entries with the same customerid before importing the new items. Merge import does not remove queries that are no longer in the import file. The key to queries and reports is the queries guid attribute not the filename.
Override standard queries and reports¶
The standard queries and reports that come with OctoSAM software can be overridden by custom definitions. However, these overrides will be cleared on the next import of the standard repository. You will need to re-apply your custom definitions.