Installing the OctoSAM Inventory Import Service

Service Account

Create a Windows service account that has database owner access to the central OctoSAM Inventory database and read access to the user and computer objects in Active Directory. The service account needs full permissions to the database, because some operations need schema change rights.

The service account also needs read/write permissions to the .scan file import folders as well as to the configured archive and log directories.

Configuration Files

The import service supports a central configuration file appsettings.json in a folder referenced by the OCTOSAM_CONFIGURATION_FOLDER environment variable.

Service Installation

To install the OctoSAM Inventory Import Service into the service registry, use the following command (running as Local Administrator):


After installation you need to set the Service Account using the Services control panel.


All OctoSAM services can also be started directly from a console window. This can be used for testing your configuration without having to install the services. Note that the service account may have other privileges than your current interactive account.

Service Uninstall

sc delete OctoSAMImportService