Installing the OctoSAM Web Based Scan File Upload Application

The web based scan file drop service is a .net 5.0 web application that allows to send in .scan files via http/s. It can be deployed as an alternative to SMB shares or other means of collecting scan files. Generated scan files can be uploaded using the curl utility or using the built-in upload functionality in Octoscan2.

Depending on your network structure it may be necessary to install multiple file drops. The OctoSAM license allows to install as many web based file drops as you like. OctoCollect supports all platforms that can run .net 5.0 web applications.

OctoSAM also provides a nginx/OpenResty based variant of the upload server, see

IIS Application Pool Account

Create an Application Pool that has read/write permission to the configured upload folder. The Application Pool account also needs read/write permissions to the configured log directory. Set the .NET CLR Setting of the Application Pool to No Managed Code

Upload Folder

Configure the upload folder through appsettings.json

    "Collect": {
        "UploadFolder": "D:/OctoSAM/Shared/Data"

The OctoSAM Import Service supports multiple import folders. You do not have to use the same directory as used for scan file collection via file share.

Create an IIS Application

Put the application in a sub path of your IIS Webserver (Standard name /upload). Do not place it in the server root. If you choose another path than /upload/, you have to adjust all examples accordingly. Configure the IIS application for anonymous authentication.

Configure the IIS Application to point to the Server/OctoCollect directory. With standard configuration that would be D:\OctoSAM\Server\OctoCollect.


If you define bindings / certificate for SSL on a machine with IPv6 dual stack, don't forget to define bindings for IPv6. Otherwise you might get errors when trying to upload a file from the same machine.

Test Using Curl

curl -F "upload=@14d68120-2f9b-11ea-a200-106530c75a73.scan"
14d68120-2f9b-11ea-a200-106530c75a73.scan thank you!

Octoscan2 configuration for this example:

UploadInsecure = true
UploadPlainHttp = true
UploadHosts =
UploadPort = 80
UploadUrl = /upload/